4. Matches

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Final Hour’s gameplay revolves around matches. All gameplay is confined to a match started by a player which other players can join.

All points and weapons gathered during a match will be lost at its end, however, highscores will be updated and stored on the leaderboard.

4.1. Zombies Match

A zombies match is an endless gamemode where you progress through increasingly difficult rounds.

You work, with up to 4 players, as a team to fight against the zombies who’s target is your team. The game ends when all 4 players are dead.

All dead players are revived at the end of a round or when their revive time is up and someone else hits the interact key (F by default) while standing within a 1 tile radius of them.

A clear sound is played to all participents and a message sent indicating a players death and when they can be revived.

You can use the keys alt + 1 through 4 to find your team mates coordenates.

4.1.1. Normal Zombies

Normal zombies are relatively weak in both health and attack. But they get much stronger as rounds go on. They spawn in swarms and are relatively slow moving and have quite a slow attack speed.

4.1.2. Hell Hounds

Hell Hounds are so dangerous that they warrent their own round dedicated to them. Every 3 rounds there is a possibility of it being a hell hound round. A special round sound is played to indicate this.

No normal zombies spawn on these rounds, only as many hell hounds as there are players. Hell hounds have a long reach and will take away most of your health in 1 hit.

When you kill a hell hound, run. They explode!